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CCSO Newsroom

October 22, 2024

Recap: Cobb County Sheriff’s Office Hosts Community Briefing & Block Party

Sheriff Craig Owens poses with the KSU students in charge of the block party planning and activities for the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Pictured from left to right: Monteze Sutton (KSU), Christian Wiggins (KSU), Sheriff Owens (CCSO), Ky’Esha Lee (host of black party - KSU) and Tim Deas (DJ for block party - KSU).

Cobb County Sheriff’s Office Hosts Community Briefing & Block Party
The Cobb County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) held a Community Briefing at the Kennesaw State University (KSU) Center, blending a festive block party atmosphere with important discussions on public safety and Sheriff’s Office initiatives.
The Oct. 10 event, hosted by CCSO and KSU, provided an opportunity for the community, KSU students, staff, and stakeholders to engage directly with the sheriff’s office leadership and specialized units. Sheriff Craig Owens, along with members of his executive staff, presented an overview of the department’s achievements and upcoming goals for enhancing safety and strengthening community relations.
Block Party Highlights 
The evening started with a Block Party, featuring booths from Cobb County government departments and KSU student organizations. Units like the K-9 and Mounted Patrol were present, offering interactive experiences for the public. The block party also included performances by KSU student groups such as Black Storm, KULTURE, and performers from The National Collegiate Entertainers Group (NCE), who added to the community spirit of the event.
Attendees were treated to delicious food provided by a Cobb county business, JD’s BBQ while meeting with CCSO divisions, such as Uniformed Field Operations, Support Services and Criminal Investigations Division to name a few. 
Community Briefing
Randi Okray, a communication specialist with the Sheriff’s Office, served as the emcee, opening and hosting the session. The Honor Guard presented the colors, followed by a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem by the KSU Chamber Choir and a solo performance by KSU student Chasye Fairchild.
Key highlights from the briefing included:

- Sheriff Craig D. Owens, Sr., provided an in-depth overview of recent achievements, highlighting new safety measures and technological advancements. He re-introduced the newest addition to the team, K9 Sherlock, who is specially trained to detect hidden electronics, from micro-SD cards to external hard drives and covert cameras, enhancing law enforcement capabilities.
- Chief Deputy Rhonda W. Anderson shared updates on Adult Detention Center operations and highlighted ongoing improvements, including detainee programs. The latest addition to these initiatives is a financial literacy program aimed at providing valuable skills to detainees.
- Assistant Chief Deputy Gina V. Hawkins provided insights into several divisions and their recent accomplishments, including the use of drones, which have proven instrumental in locating suspects and missing persons.
- Chief of Staff David Jones shared insights into his various divisions and their recent accomplishments, highlighting the COMMS team's work in creating and executing strategic plan videos that showcase the agency's success.
Following the presentations, there was a Q&A session where members of the public had the opportunity to ask questions, engaging directly with the Sheriff and his leadership team. The event also featured brief announcements from key county departments, such as the Office of the Solicitor General and the Department of Transportation.
The evening concluded with a final round of raffle prizes and closing remarks from Sheriff Owens.

Social Media Engagement:

Find the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office online:

Instagram | Facebook | X: @cobbsheriff
YouTube: @CobbCountySheriffsOffice

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Photo Credit: The Cobb County Sheriff Office

For more information on the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office:
For more pictures and video of the Oct. 10 Community Briefing, use the links below:

:: Courtesy of the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office::
KSU students volunteer at the building entrance to direct guests at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
KSU students smile for the camera during the block party segment at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Deputies from the Adult Detention Center (ADC) showcased their displays of PepperBall, O.C. spray and other non-lethal apprehension tools during the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Black Storm, a KSU dance group, performs a dance routine during the block party segment at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Dep. Cramer and K-9 Sherlock, our newest dog, give the audience a demonstration of their ability to sniff out electronic devices from child predators at the Oct. 10, Community Briefing.
Ky’Esha Lee, a proud member of the KSU NAACP and the host of the block party segment, smiles next to her organization's booth at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Members of KSU’s Latin Sorority, Lambda Theta Alpha Incorporated, flash a smile for the camera at their student organization booth at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Members of the CCSO Advanced Training team proudly stood behind their display booth at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing, featuring training tools like the VR headset, which presents scenario-based simulations to better prepare deputies for real-world situations in the field.
Dep. McClendon shares some information on the ADC to interested KSU students at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Lt. Col. Williams greets an attendee at the Uniformed Field Operations Division booth at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.

Members of CCSO Criminal Investigations Division, led by Col. Yeager (center) poses for the camera, ready to kick off the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Sheriff Owens makes final touches to the Honor Guard uniforms at thOct. 10 Community Briefing.
Sgt. Newell flashes a proud smile alongside his daughter and CCSO executive staff after being pinned and promoted to the next rank at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Pictured from left to right: Chief Jones (CCSO), Sheriff Owens (CCSO),Sgt.Newell (CCSO), Sgt. Newells’ daughter, Chief Deputy Anderson (CCSO) and Assistant Chief Deputy Hawkins (CCSO).

Lt. White stands proudly with his wife and CCSO executive staff following his promotion and pinning to the next rank at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Pictured from left to right: Chief Jones (CCSO), Sheriff Owens (CCSO),Lt. White (CCSO), Lt. Whites’ Wife, Chief Deputy Anderson (CCSO) and Assistant Chief Deputy Hawkins (CCSO).

Maj. Holt stands proudly with her mother, uncle and CCSO executive staff following her promotion and pinning to the next rank at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Pictured from left to right: Chief Jones (CCSO), Sheriff Owens (CCSO), Major Holt (CCSO), Major Holts’ Mother, Major Holt’s Uncle, Chief Deputy Anderson (CCSO) and Assistant Chief Deputy Hawkins (CCSO).
Aikwah Loew (Communications Manager - Cobb County District Attorney’s Office) speaks to some of the attendees about the Cobb Family Advocacy Center at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.

CCSO Command Staff create a receiving line after the pinning ceremony to congratulate and celebrate those who were promoted at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Randi Okray (Communications Specialist - CCSO) emcees the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
The KSU Chamber Choir sang the National Anthem at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Chayse Fairchild, a proud KSU student, performs a beautiful solo version of the National Anthem at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Bishop Brooks leads the room in a heartfelt prayer at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.

Sheriff Owens starts the Oct. 10 Community Briefing by welcoming the audience before going into his presentation.

Chief Deputy Anderson speaks on the Adult Detention Center and detainee programs within the sheriff’s office at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.

Asst. Chief Deputy Hawkins provides insights on the divisions she oversees and highlights the Drone Unit at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.

Chief of Staff Jones gives highlights about the divisions he oversees, and how proud he is of the internship program at the sheriff’s office at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Morgan Simmons (Deputy Director - Department of Transportation (DOT)) speaks on her position in working with DOT and what’s to come at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.
Rick Martin (Departmental Communications Manager - Office of the Solicitor General) gives some updates on upcoming events at the solicitor's office at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing.

Maureen Patton (far left) (Director of Presidential Events - KSU), Casey Tanner (middle) (Vice President of External Affairs - KSU) and Taylor Rogers (far right) (Manager of Presidential Events - KSU) all beam with excitement at the Oct. 10 Community Briefing. Maureen Patton played a key role in coordinating with KSU, making it possible for the CCSO to successfully host the event on campus.